Barcelona, 24th – 26th october 2022
A congress of, by and for theatrical spectators. Art and part.
The main objective of the I International Congress of Theatre Spectators is to summon spectators to regain their leading role, to recover the collective energy that is produced when they connect with the performance of actresses and actors on stage.
In this first edition, the Congress will address, through different formats (conferences, debates, project presentations, workshops), the priorities that should be the roadmap to follow in order to promote, improve, develop, encourage and foster change and innovation into the performing arts sector from of the role played by viewers, focusing on 3 priority lines of work:
Every project, artistic action or contemporary creative process must be affected by values such as equity, cultural diversity and social inclusion, environmental sustainability or respect and knowledge of different languages, customs and cultures.
Participation means having an active role and getting involved in all the different processes that occur in any performing arts project, from participating in the design of the projects themselves, the programming of the spaces, in the creative processes, or in the development, management or financing among others.
Reject limits on roles, sectors and disciplines, dialoguing with other fields, not only cultural but also scientific, social, anthropological or philosophical, including issuesas the relationship between culture and health or cultural mediation, in order to share, understand and generate new spaces for dialogue.
More than 50 guests from 25 countries, in addition to all those registered in the congress, will meet at the I International Congress of Theatre Spectators to share relevant international experiences that place theatre spectators at the backbone of theatre activity.
At the same time, the Congress is open to theater-goers in general, cultural managers, creators and artists, representatives of public administrations, researchers, consultants, the university community and the curious interested in audiences and the performing arts.
Day 1
MONDAY October 24th, 2022
Teatre Romea, Barcelona
8:30 – 19:30h
Information, registration and reception of attendees
9:30 – 9:45h
Daniel Martínez, President of Grup Focus
Pepe Zapata, curator of the Congress
9:45 – 10:00h
Institutional opening session »
with representatives of Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministerio de Cultura, Diputació de Barcelona, and Ajuntament de Barcelona
Opening conference: The paradox of audiences
Katya Johanson – AUS
Audiences are everyday: we are an audience to street scenes, to bad driving, to small acts of kindness, to the behaviour of strangers every time we step out our front door or glance out of our window. Audiences are inconsequential and anonymous – their names are not recorded and they are rarely celebrated. Yet audiences are also extraordinary and powerful. At particular moments in global history, audiences and their reactions have threatened prevailing hegemonies and changed the course of art-making. At the very least, audiences are an integral part of all the major social and religious rituals in our lives: when we are named, when we marry, when we are laid to rest, we call upon the transformative power of an audience to mark and affirm the occasion. The ways we think about audiences are paradoxical. This conference identifies and discusses various kinds of paradox associated with how we think about audiences. In doing so, the conference draws attention to the extraordinary act that is involved in being an audience and the ways we might change our patterns of thought to better understand the power that audiences enact.
11:00 – 11:30h
Coffee break
11:35 – 13:00h
Presentation of the invited international spectators and their projects (session 1) » (sessió 1)
Conference: Uti et abuti – Use and Abuse
Roger Bernat – ESP
Based on a simple collaborative digital tool, the conference transforms the theater into a privileged laboratory for thinking about the relationships of use and abuse. The right to use and abuse (“uti et abuti”) is what defined property in Roman law. When someone said “I cut this tree because it’s mine” they were claiming ownership of something. When he said “I hire this worker” this relationship was transferred to the time of a certain person. In theater it would not be possible to stage a drama without weaving a tight network of relationships of use and abuse. And the public, although it may seem otherwise, is never the innocent witness.
13:30 – 15:30h
Free lunch
Conference: The spectators: memories, rumors and omens
Zavel Castro – MEX
This talk proposes a historical-conceptual tour of the key moments in the history of theater audiences, to reflect on the functions it has traditionally fulfilled, and to imagine possible futures.
16:30 – 17:00h
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:00h
Presentation of the invited international spectators and their projects » (session 2)
18:00 – 19:00h
Discussion and experiences table: Spectator schools in Latin America. Evolution and future challenges »
Luis Conde – MEX
José Montero – CRI
Renato Recalde – PRY
Olivia Camboim – BRA
Laura Ruiz – SLV
moderation: Pablo Mascareño – ARG
19:00 – 20:30h
Visit tour of Teatre Romea and Teatre Goya
exclusive activity for international guests
Day 2
TUESDAY October 25th, 2022
Teatre Romea, Barcelona
8:30 – 18:30h
Information, registration and reception of attendees
10:00 – 11:00h
Discussion and experiences table: Social theatre, inclusion, accessibility »
Isis Abellán – ESP
Michelle Rolfe – GBR
Argelia E Rojas Muñoz – CHL
Zé Pires – PRT
Jaime Plaza – PER
Andrew kaggwa – UGA
Moez Mrabet – TUN
Breana Ogaldez – USA
moderation: Ángeles de Paz – ESP
11:00 – 11:30h
Coffee break
11:30 – 12:15h
Presentation of the invited international spectators and their projects » (session 3)
12:15 -13:00h
Discussion and experiences table: Spectator schools in Latin America and Catalonia. Evolution and future challenges »
Rosa Paseggi – URY
Camilo Gil – BOL
Anna Guix – ESP
Ángeles de Paz – ESP
Marc Pineda – ESP
Albert Reverendo – ESP
moderation: Pere Riera – ESP
13:30 – 15:30h
Free lunch
15:45 – 18:00
Workshop: Working with the audiences of the futurer »
Katya Johanson – AUS
Teatre Romea. Stage Room
Workshop: Social Fictions »
Roger Bernat – ESP
Teatre Romea. Lobby
Workshop: Critical strategies in the age of the algorithm »
Zavel Castro – MEX
Teatre Romea. Lobby, 1st floor
Workshop: Working with the audiences of the future
Katya Johanson – AUS
What capacities and capabilities will audiences bring to a performance in 2 years’ time? In 20 years’ time? In 200 years’ time? What about 2000 years’ time? In this seminar, we look at the ways that audiences are changing, and what we know about future trends that are likely to influence how audiences experience a live performance. This includes changing demographics, tastes and political mindsets but also technological developments: virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and the non-human. Given these trends, many organisations – particularly in heritage artforms – are now in the process of trying to adapt to diversifying and changing audiences. We will recommend ways that theatre companies might imagine and respond to their future audiences.
Workshop: Social Fictions
Roger Bernat – ESP
Theater is the collective elaboration of a working hypothesis that only occurs when, upon leaving the show, the awareness of not having played the role of audience well enough is mixed with the intuition of the many ways of ‘have done better. In a world where Participation is a fact but very well never real, the theater assumes the not easy task of deploying a participation that, without necessarily being a fact (or precisely because of the fact that it is not), manages to be real. The workshop is therefore conceived as a laboratory of social fictions in order to develop with the attendees different hypotheses of real participation.
Workshop: Critical strategies in the age of algorithm
Zavel Castro – MEX
18:30 – 20:00h
Visit tour of Sala Beckett
exclusive activity for international guests
21:00 – 23:00
Official dinner
Antiga Fàbrica Damm
exclusive activity for international guests
Day 3
WEDNESDAY October 26th, 2022
Teatre Romea, Barcelona
8:30 – 17:00h
Information, registration and reception of attendees
09:05 – 10:00h
Discussion and experiences table: The participation of spectators »
Joâo Branco – CPV
Sílvia Sanfeliu – ESP
Alice Bricca – ITA
Pere Riera – ESP
Chadi Saad – LBN
Laura Blanch – HOL
Ifman Huerta – CHL
moderation: Alberto Rizzo – ESP
10:00 – 11:00h
Discussion and experiences table: How to connect with young spectators »
Judit Martínez Gili – ESP
Tara Senicic – SRB
Ivana Antic – SRB
Elisabeth Glesne – NOR
Laura Szabó – HUN
Anja Pirnat – SVN
Andrea Mónica Berman – ARG
moderation: Sílvia Sanfeliu Morros – ESP
11:00 – 11:30h
Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30
Discussion and experiences table: Creative experiences with spectators »
Stuart Kandell – DEU/USA
Caterina Giangrasso – ITA
Cinthia Arrebola – MEX
Roberto Sánchez – PER
Luca Ricci – ITA
Alberto Rizzo – ESP
moderation: Judit Martínez Gili – ESP
13:30 – 15:30h
Free lunch
15:30 – 15:45h
Pepe Zapata, curator of the Congress
Miquel Valls, coordinator of Precongress
15:45 – 16:15h
16:15 – 16:30h
Institutional closing session »
with representatives of Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministerio de Cultura, Diputació de Barcelona, and Ajuntament de Barcelona
16:30 – 17:00h
Farewell glass of cava
17:00 – 19:00h
Visit tour of Gran Teatre del Liceu
exclusive activity for international guests
22:00 – 23:30h
Premiere of “Paraíso Perdido”
(subtitled version in English). Teatre Romea
exclusive activity for international guests
Would you like to be one of the 50 invited international spectators? Are you an active spectator or are you part of an association or group of theater spectators working on projects related to diversity, participation or transversality? Send us your proposal, tell us your experience and we will evaluate your application shortly.
Guest experts

Roger Bernat
Catalan playwright. His theatrical career has been characterized by his participatory and immersive work with audiences. book publisher Querido Público. Web

Antonella Broglia
Publicist, cultural promoter, trainer, lecturer, TV collaborator, and actress, expert in political communication, public speaking and entrepreneurship and social innovation. Linkedin

Zavel Castro
Critic and theater curator specializing in audience training. Co-founder of the theatrical criticism and reflection page Aplaudir de Pie. Linkedin

Toni Jodar
Dancer, teacher, performer, artist and dance teacher for more than 25 years through his project with Beatriu Daniel, Explain Dansa. Web

Katya Johanson
Professor of audience research at Deakin University. One of the four editors of the Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts. Linkedin

Antonio Monegal
Coordinates the Master’s Degree in Comparative Studies of Literature, Art and Thought at Pompeu Fabra University. She recently she has published the essay Como el aire que respiramos. El sentido de la cultura. Web
Advisory Board
Advisory Board

Marta Buchaca
Playwright, screenwriter and theater director.

Macarena Cuenca
Professor at the University of Deusto specializing in the development of cultural audiences. LinkedIn

Xavier Fina
Cultural consultant.

Eva García
Expert in community artistic action. LinkedIn

Javier Ibacache
Expert in arts audiences. Former Head of the Programming and Audiences Unit of the Ministry of Cultures of Chile. LinkedIn

Esteve León
Board member at Fundació Teatre Lliure.

Joan Morros
Member of El Galliner and programmer of the Kursaal theater in Manresa. LinkedIn

Marta Turu
Theatre spectator and member of TRESC – Comunitat de Cultura.

Pepe Zapata
Expert in cultural audiences. Currently, Director of TRESC – the largest and most active Cultural Community of public of culture in the Catalonia. LinkedIn

Àfora Focus
Àfora is the agora of the Grup Focus, an area of reflection and activities that, based on the scenic experience, has the intention of influencing artistic, cultural and social life.. A thought hub that wants to enhance human space as a field of relationship, debate, curiosity, and shared intelligence; providing views of the different sensitivities of theatrical activity.
Sponsors and collaborators
Supported by
Principal sponsors
Main collaborator
Media partners
Being part of the I International Congress of Theater Spectators is a unique opportunity to:
- Put the brand in the cultural and performing arts sector.
- Support an event that has the audiences and the communities as its main goal.
- Generate brand awareness.
- Support an event for and by the city of Barcelona.
Contact the person in charge of sponsorships, Fabián Salvador, to discover sponsorship opportunities and find the one that best suits your needs.
Presentation: June 15, 2022
Press kit
Brochure of the Congress (PDF) Press release
Videos of the act
Summary of the presentation act
Images of the event
Daniel Martínez, President of Grup Focus
Daniel Martínez, President of Grup Focus
Daniel Martínez, President of Grup Focus
Pepe Zapata, curator of the Congress
Telenotícies, TV3 El Periódico (PDF) La Vanguardia (PDF) La Vanguardia – Miquel Molina (PDF) Article in El Periódico (online) Article in La Vanguardia (online) Article in La Vanguardia (online) Article in La República (online) Article in Cultura21 (online) Article in (online) Article in Núvol (online) Recommendation in Tot és Comèdia – SERCatalunya radio station
The I International Congress of Theater Spectators begins
Press kit
The I International Congress of Theater Spectators begins.
Images of the act
Article about the presentation of the season, in El Periódico
Article about the presentation of the season, in El Punt Avui
Article about the presentation of the season, in Metròpoli Abierta
Article on the news of the congress, in La Vanguardia
Article about the ICIET, in Entreacte
Article about the ICIET, in Núvol
News about the ICIET, in Metropolis Abierta
News about the ICIET, at
News about the ICIET, in El Periódico
News about the ICIET, in Cultura21
Piece about the ICIET on Telenotícies, from TV3
News about the ICIET in Catalunya Migdia, from Catalunya Ràdio (32 min 25 s)
Piece about the ICIET in Tot es comédia, from Cadena SER
Article about the ICIET, in Núvol
News about the ICIET, in La República
Article about the ICIET, in USANews
Article about the ICIET, on News.dayFR
The 1st Congress of spectators arrives at its equator with an enthusiastic audience
Clipping of the 1st edition 2022 of the Congress
Press contact:
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